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Testamenta et legata Notariae (Wills and legacies registered with the Public Notary)
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Testamenta Notariae; Testamenta de Notaria (Wills registered at the Public Notary)

The series consists of wills of citizens, i.e., residents of the Dubrovnik Republic, as well as the wills of non-residents of the Republic, in the period from the end of the 13th to the beginning of the 19th century. The series is a very important archival source for both researchers of the legal history of Jewish people and for those who research the history of their everyday life and daily routines.

Approximately 20 wills of Jewish people have been preserved in the records of the State Archives in Dubrovnik, dating from the 16th to the 18th century. Out of this number, 16 wills were recorded in this series, and the names of the testators indicate some prominent and famous persons such as Didacus Pyrrhus (vol. 51, ff. 27v-28v), Aron Cohen, a famous rabbi of the 17th century (vol. 55, ff. 164v-166) and his descendant Raphael Cohen, a distinguished merchant and benefactor (vol. 74, ff. 66-67). The wills of Abram Abinun (vol. 59, f. 33v; 1628), Nathan Ambonetti (vol. 87, ff. 67v, 68), Rica Barrafael (vol. 80, f. 149v), Moshe Calderon (vol. 43, ff. 182, 182v), Abram Campos (vol. 66, f. 33v), Isac Vita Campos (vol. 81, f. 33v), Joseph Esperiel (vol. 55, ff. 21-22), Ester Maccioro (vol. 63, ff. 94v-95v), Ester Maestro, the wife of Moshe (vol. 58, ff. 168, 168v), Ester Maestro, the wife of Solomon (vol. 78, ff. 62, 62v), Solomon Pardo (vol. 84, ff. 129v), Decora de Silva (vol. 72, ff. 39, 39v) and Bona Vitali (vol. 81, ff. 49v, 50). The remaining wills are in the fonds of Diversa Notariae (HR-DADU-9), Diversa Cancellariae (HR-DADU-15), Diversa et possessio de criminalibus (HR-DADU-24), Miscellanea (HR-DADU-61) and in the series Diversa de Foris (HR-DADU-30.2). Most wills have been published.

Tutores Notariae (Legal guardians in the execution of wills registered with the Public Notary)

The series consists of registers in which, during the period from the 15th to the beginning of the 19th century, the names of legal guardians were entered, most often for women (usually widowed) and minor children. The data show that the guardians referenced to in the files would not represent those women and children only in the execution of wills. Since this is one of few series where references on women and minor children can be found, it is very useful to researchers because it provides valuable data for the genealogical reconstruction of Jewish families in Dubrovnik. Most often the records reference to women and children from some Dubrovnik Jewish families such as Abuaf, Campos, Cohen, Levi Mandolfo, Luzzena, Maestro, Pappo, Pardo, Penso, Terni, Tolentino, Valenzin. The guardians of Jewish women and minor children were usually Dubrovnik Jews. According to the data, a Jewish woman, or a Jewish minor, could have between one to three legal guardians. Guardians belonged sometimes to Dubrovnik nobility, particularly in cases where they would actually serve as lawyers. Occasionally, other Dubrovnik citizens would also appear in these documents in the role of guardians of Jewish women and children. The series is closely related to the decisions of the Minor Council (Acta Minoris Consilii HR-DADU-4.1). More precisely, the proposal would be first accepted by the Minor Council, i.e., the permission would be given to a woman (most often a widow) to perform a certain job with the permission of her legal guardian. The name of the guardian would be then entered in the registers of this notarial series most often on the same day. If the Minor Council issued a permit to a woman to appoint, with a prior consent of her guardian, a person to represent her in the conduction of her business in the Republic or in any other state, this information would be then entered in the registers of the Procurae di Cancellaria (HR-DADU-17). This is another indicator of overlapping competencies of the Public Notary and the Chancellery. For example, on May 6, 1793, according to the data, the Minor Council allowed Rachel, the widow of David Luzzena, to appoint, with the permission of her guardian, a person to represent her in all her business affairs (HR-DADU-4.1, Acta Minoris Consilii, vol. 110, f 83). On the same day, the names of her guardians, a nobleman Antun Caboga and a citizen Petar Čingrija, were entered in the books of this series (vol. 13, f. 19c). A day later, in the books of Procure di Cancellaria, it was registered that Rachel Luzzena, with the permission of her guardians, appointed her son Samuel as her representative, or, legally, as her alter ego (HR-DADU-17, vol. 82, ff. 158v, 159).

Legata (Legati/Legacies)

There is no reference to Jewish people in the series.
The series includes legacies from the late 15th century and in the period from the mid-16th century to the early 17th century. Volume 4 is entitled: Indice di legati fatti da diverse persone ad Comune, while volume 5 concerns a legacy by Zamagna from the end of the 17th century.