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4 rezultati z digitalnimi objekti Prikaži rezultate z digitalnimi predmeti

Miscellanea, Massa Negrini (Various documents from the legacy of Rajmund Negrini)
Miscellanea, Massa Negrini (Various documents from the legacy of Rajmund Negrini)
Memoriae (cronicae, diarii, manuscripta diversa, curiosa) (Memoria: chronicles, diaries, various documents)
Memoriae (cronicae, diarii, manuscripta diversa, curiosa) (Memoria: chronicles, diaries, various documents)
Privata (Books and documents from private archives)
Privata (Books and documents from private archives)
Cancellaria Universitatis Lagostae (Chancellery of the Autonomous Commune of the island of Lastovo)
Cancellaria Universitatis Lagostae (Chancellery of the Autonomous Commune of the island of Lastovo)
Diversa de Lagosta (Various documents of the Chancellery of the Autonomous Commune of the island of Lastovo)
Diversa de Lagosta (Various documents of the Chancellery of the Autonomous Commune of the island of Lastovo)
Venditiones de Lagosta (Sales registered at the Chancellery of the Autonomous Commune of the island of Lastovo)
Venditiones de Lagosta (Sales registered at the Chancellery of the Autonomous Commune of the island of Lastovo)
Testamenta de Lagosta (Wills and testaments registered at the Chancellery of the Autonomous Commune of the island of Lastovo)
Testamenta de Lagosta (Wills and testaments registered at the Chancellery of the Autonomous Commune of the island of Lastovo)
Pacta matrimonialia de Lagosta (Marriage contracts registered at the Chancellery of the Autonomous Commune of the island of Lastovo)
Pacta matrimonialia de Lagosta (Marriage contracts registered at the Chancellery of the Autonomous Commune of the island of Lastovo)
Aptai di misericordia de Lagosta (Promissory notes of charity registered at the Chancellery of the Autonomous Commune on the island of Lastovo)
Aptai di misericordia de Lagosta (Promissory notes of charity registered at the Chancellery of the Autonomous Commune on the island of Lastovo)
Lamenta de Lagosta (Lawsuits registered at the Chancellery of the Autonomous Commune of the island of Lastovo)
Lamenta de Lagosta (Lawsuits registered at the Chancellery of the Autonomous Commune of the island of Lastovo)
Rezultati 151 do 160 od 207