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Proclamationes venditionum Cancellariae (Declaration of sales registered at the Chancellery)

There is no reference to Jewish people in the series.
The series contains declarations, or public announcements of the sale of real estate and personal property. These declarations were publicly shouted by the municipal crier, who would announce the names of the sellers, the subject of the sale and the price of the property sold.

Venditiones Cancellariae; Vendite Cancellarie (Sale agreements registered at the Chancellery)

The fonds contains data on purchase and sale transactions of real and personal property, such as land, houses, estates, ships, dowries, in the period from the middle of the 13th century to the beginning of the 19th century. The fonds is very important for the research and study of the topographic image of the city of Dubrovnik in that period, the development of urban planning, as well as for the research on trade of living quarters and buildings.

Scarce data available on Jewish people contained in the fonds reveal that in the second half of the 18th century Jews began to buy and sell real estate, i.e., houses that were mostly located near the ghetto, the exception being Abram David Maestro, who at the end of 1641 bought two houses in the street Lučarica, and two years later sold them to two Dubrovnik noblemen. Real estate purchases increased in the 80s of the 18th centuries so much that in 1799 the Senate decided that a Jew who owned several houses could keep only one and should sell the others. Members of Ragusan Jewish families Ambonetti, Coen, Costantini, Janni, Levi Mandolfo, Maestro, Pardo, Russo, Terni (i.e., vol. 135, ff. 180-181) are referenced in this fonds as both: buyers and sellers of houses. In accordance with the regulations of that time concerning the sale of real estate, apart from the name of the seller of the real estate in the document there is also a written consent of the members of his family. Therefore, next to the names of Jewish house-sellers are either the personal names of their wives, sons, and daughters, or the names of their legal guardians.

Diversa Cancellariae (Various documents registered at the Chancellery)

  • HR-DADU-15
  • Fonds
  • 1282-1286, 1295-1297, 1305-1306, 1312-1314, 1320-1323, 1325-1330, 1333-1337, 1341-1345, 1347-1352, 1354-1356, 1362-1377, 1381-1418, 1422-1452, 1454-1815

The fonds covers the period from the end of the 13th to the beginning of the 19th centuries and contains the data on public legal and judicial affairs and also on those private legal affairs for which the Public Notary was otherwise in charge. Thus, just like the fonds Diversa Notariae, this fonds is an excellent source of information on all aspects of political, economic, cultural, public and private life in the Republic of Dubrovnik.

The fonds is, therefore, very important for the research of the history of the Jewish people. It provides relevant data on business and private connections of Jews in Europe, mostly Southeast Europe, then in North Africa and the Middle East, in the period from the 14th to the beginning of the 19th centuries. The earliest reference found so far dates from 1368, when David from an Albanian city of Durrës, in the presence of witnesses Moshe, the son of Matthew, and Solomon, also from Durrës, registered a declaration of receipt of a financial deposit from a certain Venetian (vol. 21, ff. 71v, 72). A few more examples from earlier times illustrate well the diversity and relevance of this fonds. Astruch, the son of Jacob, called "Bonaventura", found his runaway son-in-law, Joseph Farrer from Padua, in Dubrovnik in the year 1400. They both signed an agreement at the Public Notary, in which it was stated that Joseph must return to his wife Astrucha within seven months. If he failed to do so, he would have to pay a fine of 20 perpers, and 10 perpers of this amount would be paid to Astruch (who found him). In the same document, Joseph also pledged to reimburse his father-in-law for the costs of the search. Witnesses to the agreement were Vives, the son of Astruch and Moshe, the son of Joseph (vol. 33, f. 183). In 1414, a medical examiner Samuel, signed a contract with a blind Ragusan Pripko Kaličević. The contract states that if the doctor managed to cure Pripko's eyes, he would be awarded 10 golden ducats, and if he failed, he would get nothing (vol. 40, f. 27v). The fonds also references other prominent and well-known people from that time such as: Abner Alfarin, Isac Ergas, Daniel Rodrigues, Nehemia Hia Haion, Solomon Oef, David Pass (Passo), Didacus Pyrrhus and some members of a highly respected Dubrovnik Jewish family, the Coens. Some members of Dubrovnik Jewish families Ambonetti, Campos, Fermo, Levi Mandolfo, Luzzena, Maestro, Pardo, Russo, Terni, Tolentino, Valenzin, Vitali were also referenced many timesare mentioned a lot. There are also many references to Jews who remained in Dubrovnik for a very short time, or to those who only passed through it or even never came directly but did business through the city with the help of intermediaries. One will was also registered in the books of this fonds. It is the will of Moshe Alfandrino, which was composed in 1584 in Venice. Two years later, Mira Alfandrino, Moshe's widow, also registered her will at the Public Notary in Dubrovnik (vol. 174, ff. 21v-22v a tergo).

Chancellery of the Dubrovnik Republic

Leges et instructiones; Leggi e istruzioni (Books of laws and regulations of the Dubrovnik Republic)

The series is very important for the research of the legal history of the Dubrovnik Republic. It consists of several transcripts of the basic Dubrovnik legal codes, or more precisely, the Statute from 1272, Liber omnium reformationum (1335-1410), Liber viridis (1358-1460) and Liber croceus (1460-1803). A Dubrovnik nobleman, Frano Gondola (1539-1589) composed indexes for these basic collections of regulations. He made sure that each provision is followed by a brief description and definitions of less familiar terms. Gondola's work has contributed significantly to easier referencing and interpretation of the law in general. The series also contains other books of laws that were created based on the previously mentioned codes as well as collections of decisions from judicial and administrative practice. It also contains various indexes for series and fonds such as Acta Consilii Rogatorum (HR-DADU-3.1), Sententiae Cancellariae (HR-DADU-18), Diversa Cancellariae (HR-DADU-15), Diversa Notariae (HR -DADU-9), Diversa de Foris (HR-DADU-30.1).

Jewish people are mentioned in the series only occasionally. In the book Index sive regestum Partium Consilii Rogatorum, rpbl. Ragusinae ab. A 1407 us. ad a. 1601, there are three entries on the decisions of the Senate on the dwelling of the Jews inside the city walls (vol. 26, f. 81). The books Indice alfabetico delle sentenze and Index sententiarum present the words of an oath that Jews were required to take when testifying in court (vol. 18, f. 53; vol. 42, f. 35). In the book Compendio di tutte le sentenze e giudicati in ogni materia, in forma d'indice raccolte da me D. Antonio Damiano Ohmuchievich, the text of this oath in Latin was published in two places (vol. 45, f. 121-122, 124 -125).

Pacta matrimonialia (Marriage contracts)

There are no references to Jewish people in the series.
The records that are related to marriage contracts and dowry agreements were initially entered in the books of the Diversa Cancellariae (HR-DADU-15) and Diversa Notariae (HR-DADU-9) fonds. Since the middle of the 14th century, these contracts began to be entered in special books belonging to this series. The series consists of various registers with marriage contracts, or letters of engagements, in which a commitment to provide dowry and define what would be given as dowry was stated. According to the data, Jewish people who wanted to register Ketubahs in notarial and chancellery books of the Republic, would first have them translated into Italian. Most Ketubahs were registered in the Diversa de foris series (HR-DADU-30.2) and in the Diversa Notariae fund (HR-DADU-9).

Libri dotium Notariae (Books of dowry agreements registered at the Public Notary)

The series includes dowry agreements, dating from the mid-14th to the early 19th century. Most contracts were written in the form of certificates according to which the husband confirmed that he had received his wife's dowry. Records concerning marriage contracts and dowry agreements were initially entered in the books of the Diversa Cancellariae (HR-DADU-15) and Diversa Notariae (HR-DADU-9) fonds. Since the beginning of the middle of the 14th century, these contracts began to be entered in special books belonging to this series. A tergo of the books of Libri dotium Notariae, notaries entered the so-called Venditiones tacitae.

Since this is one of the few series in which women were mentioned, the series is very important for the genealogical reconstruction of Jewish families, as well as for further attempts to analyse the connections and relationships of Jewish people made through marriages. Approximately seventy agreements referencing Jewish people can be found in the volumes 16-22 (1627-1811) of this series. The records provide the following information: name and surname of the husband and wife, name of the father of the wife (or, sometimes, of the father of the husband), total amount of the dowry and total amount of the husband's dowry adding (tosefet), and name of the person who paid the dowry. The dowry was usually paid by the wife's father, and sometimes by the brother or the mother. The record most often would follow the following template in Latin: Ego Isak Danielis Tolentino Haebreus confiteor, quod super me, et omnia mea bona habui, et recepi pro dote, et parchivio Judittae meae conjugis filiae Abram Tolentino tempore mei matrimonii a dicto Abram Tolentino meo sexoce ducat. 40 per ducato in pecunia numerata mihi dante, et solvente pro dote, et parchivio prefatis. Quam quidem dotem habui, et recepi secundum ordinem, et consuetudinem Rhacusii. Haec autem cartha nullo testimonio rumpi possit (vol. 22, f. 5v, 1804). Most records in the series reference to members of indigenous Dubrovnik Jewish families such as Levi Mandolfo, Luzzena, Tolentino, Valenzin. The records do not contain any details on the content of the dowry concerned. This information can be found in translations of Ketubahs, which are registered in the Diversa de foris series (HR-DADU-30.2) and in the Diversa Notariae fonds (HR-DADU-9). A tergo of the books of this series (Venditiones tacitae) there are records on credit business, insurance business and other types of money transactions, in which other references of the Jewish people from Dubrovnik can be retrieved.

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