Fondi HR-DADU-76 - Acta Gallica (French administration)

Področje identitete




Acta Gallica (French administration)


  • 1808-1814 (Ustvarjanje)

Nivo popisa


Obseg in nosilec zapisa

171 volumes; 27 linear metres; textual records

Področje konteksta

Ime ustvarjalca

Biografska zgodovina

Zgodovina arhivskega gradiva

The French army entered Dubrovnik in May of 1806, and the French authorities abolished the Dubrovnik Republic on January 31, 1808. The central administration represented a higher level of government and authority and was managed by a so-called public administrator or proveditore or intendante. This type of administration was applicable to the territory of the former Republic, the Bay of Kotor and the island of Korčula while the local administration was applicable primarily to the city of Dubrovnik and on a local level.

Neposreden vir, od katerega se gradivo prevzema ali prenaša

The fonds has been linked to the archive since its inception. By 1891 the archival material of the fonds was consolidated and was made available to researchers. The archive in the Rector's Palace has been functioning as an independent institution since 1920 and it was dislocated to the Sponza Palace in 1952, where it is still located today.

Področje vsebine in strukture

Obseg in vsebina

The fonds is sorted by years and contains files and documents of the French authorities concerning finances, accounting, public health, maritime affairs, trade, military affairs, police matters, private and public construction work (especially road developments), management of food supplies, education, local administration, administration of state-owned property, taxes, courts, church matters and different aspects of cultural life.

The fonds is important for researching all aspects of the life of Ragusan Jews during the French administration between 1808 and 1814. At that time, the Jews of Dubrovnik were mostly involved in business affairs connected with trade and crafts. They participated in the purchase of food supplies for the area of Dubrovnik (mainly of cereals, salt, and oil (F XIX / 4, no. 3666). Archival data show that they were also active in monetary transactions (investing capital in ship construction and exporting raw materials such as wax, cotton, leather, and wool). Furthermore, thanks to the preserved archival material, it is possible to reconstruct the functioning of Jewish religious fraternities, synagogues, ghettos, and schools in the area. The fonds contains references to many Ragusan Jewish families such as Ambonetti, Ascoli, Costantini, Levi Mandolfo, Maestro, Pardo, Terni, Tolentino, Valenzin, Venturra predominate in the fonds.

Vrednotenje, uničenje in načrtovanje

Dodatno pridobivanje gradiva

Sistem ureditve

Pogoji dostopa in uporabniškega območja

Pogoji, ki urejajo dostop

The fonds is fully accessible to researchers in accordance with the Ordinance on the work in the reading room of the State Archives in Dubrovnik and the Law on Archival Materials and Archives NN 61/18 (Pravilnik o radu u čitaonici Državnog arhiva u Dubrovniku and Zakon o arhivskom gradivu i arhivima NN 61/18).

Pogoji, ki urejajo reproduciranje

Taking photographs and scanning are allowed, for a fee.

Jezik gradiva

  • francoščina
  • italijanščina

Pisava gradiva

  • latinica

Opombe o jeziku in pisavi

Fizične značilnosti in tehnične zahteve

Paper. The archival material is well preserved.

Pripomočki za uporabo

Stjepan Ćosić, »Sumarni inventar fonda središnje francuske uprave u Dubrovniku.« (résumé: Administration centrale française a Dubrovnik (Acta Gallica) 1808-1814) Arhivski vjesnik 38 (1995: 149-195.

Območje združenih gradiv

Obstoj in lokacija izvirnikov

State Archives in Dubrovnik

Obstoj in lokacija kopij

The fonds has been completely transferred to microfilms, but the microfilms are not available to the users of archives.

Sorodne popisne enote

Acta Minoris Consilii 1808-1809 (HR-DADU-4.1), Diversa Notariae 1808-1811 (HR-DADU-9), Procurae Notariae 1808-1814 (HR-DADU-11), Testamenta Notariae 1808-1815 (HR-DADU-12.1), Diversa Cancellariae 1808-1815 (HR-DADU-15), Venditiones Cancellariae 1808-1815 (HR-DADU-16.1), Procurae Cancellariae 1808-1815 (HR-DADU-17), Sententiae Cancellariae 1808-1815 (HR-DADU-18), Criminalia 1808-1814 (HR-DADU-23), Appellationes 1808-1811 (HR-DADU-28), Cathasthicum 1808-1816 (HR-DADU-33), Grassia 1808-1810 (HR-DADU-36), Justiciaria 1808-1811 (HR-DADU-43), Dogana 1808-1811 (HR-DADU-44).

Povezani opisi

Opomba o objavi

Zdravko Šundrica, »O osnivanju i radu Dubrovačke općine 1808. godine.« Dubrovnik 2 (1965): 52-70. Vinko Foretić, »Arhivska građa iz doba francuske vladavine u Dubrovačkom arhivu.« Mogućnosti XIV/1-2 (1967): 163-166. Stjepan Ćosić, »Sumarni inventor fonda središnje francuske uprave u Dubrovniku.« (résumé: Administration centrale française a Dubrovnik (Acta Gallica) 1808-1814) Arhivski vjesnik 38 (1995: 149-195. Stjepan Ćosić, »O slomu Republike i ustroju francuske uprave u Dubrovniku 1808. i 1809.« (summary: The Fall of the Dubrovnik Republic and the Organization of the French Administration in Dubrovnik in 1808 and 1809) Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku 33 (1995): 177-203. Stjepan Ćosić, »Dubrovnik u Ilirskim pokrajinama.« (summary: Dubrovnik amoung the Illiyrian Provinces) Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku 35 (1997): 37-62. Stjepan Ćosić, Dubrovnik nakon pada Republike, 1808.-1848. (summary: Dubrovnik after the Fall of the Republic, 1808.-1848.), Zagreb – Dubrovnik, Zavod za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku: 1999. Zdravko Šundrica, »Dubrovački Židovi i njihova emancipacija (1808/15).«, in: Tajna kutija dubrovačkog arhiva, vol. 2, ur. Vladimir Stipetić. Zagreb – Dubrovnik: Zavod za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku, 2009: 333-401. «Vesna Čučić, The Republic of Dubrovnik: Final Crisis, Chicago: CroLibertas Publishers, 2014.

Področje opomb

Alternativen/-ni identifikator/-ji

Old reference code

Fonds of the Dubrovnik Republic and the territory of the former Republic under the French Administration, series 77


Nesnovna gesla

Krajevna gesla

Imenska gesla

Gesla glede spola

Območje nadzorovanega opisa

Identifikator popisa

Identifikator ustanove

Uporabljena pravila in/ali dogovori

Descriptions of fonds, series and sub-series are made according to the ISAD (G) standard (general international standard archival description)


Stopnja podrobnosti

Datumi nastanka, popravljanja in izbrisa



  • angleščina



Opomba arhivarja

Description prepared by Vesna Miović (Fonds, Series, Subseries) Croatia [The Institute for Historical Sciences in Dubrovnik, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (CASA)] Translation to English by Zrinka Friganović Sain

Območje prevzemanja

Sorodni subjekti

Sorodni ljudje in organizacije

Sorodne zvsti

Sorodni kraji