Series HR-DADU-10.1 - Debita Notariae (Debts registered with the Public Notary)

Područje identiteta




Debita Notariae (Debts registered with the Public Notary)


  • 1280-1282, 1334-1369, 1377-1383, 1389-1393, 1400-1405, 1417-1422, 1426-1460, 1462-1659, 1718-1810 (Creation)

Razina opisa


Obujam i medij

98 volumes; textual records

Područje konteksta

Povijest arhivskog gradiva

Neposredni izvor akvizicije ili prijenosa

Područje sadržaja i strukture

Opseg i sadržaj

The series mainly contains data on commercial credits, which were registered in the period from the end of the 13th to the beginning of the 19th century. The records include date of the credit agreement, name of the creditor, name of the borrower, amount of the credit, duration of the credit, and contractual clauses of the credit agreement. The interest amount is not entered. Those who wanted to take a loan and did not reside in the Republic, and still wanted to register the credit agreement at the Public Notary of the Republic, could do this through their legal representative.

The series is very important for researching business transactions of Jewish people in the Balkans and the Mediterranean, as well as for a possible historical reconstruction of their commercial network, especially since the period of the early 70s of the 16th centuries, when the Jewish population in Dubrovnik significantly increased. Some well-known and very prominent members of the local Jewish community are referenced to in the series, such as Aron Coen and Abraham Coen de Herrera (i.e., vol. 96, f. 20v). In general, the series refers to members of the Dubrovnik Jewish community such as Abenun, Coen, Danon, Lanciano, Maestro, Miranda, Oef. Some Jews who were referenced did not live in Dubrovnik, but, overall, all Jews who are referenced in the documents occur in both functions: as creditors and as borrowers. In an attempt to better understand the significance of this series for the overall history of the Sephardim, it is advisable to refer to the doctoral thesis of Benedetto Ligorio (Roma, Sapienza, 2017), in which the author analysed the existing archival data on credits referencing the Jewish population between 1560 and 1654. The analysis of Ligorio provides relevant data that prove that in most of these documents Christians (primarily Dubrovnik noblemen) were stated as creditors for Jewish people.

Vrednovanje, uništavanje i planiranje


Sustav razmještaja

Područje uvjeta dostupnosti i korištenja

Uvjeti koji određuju dostupnost

Uvjeti koji određuju reprodukciju

Jezik gradiva

Pismo gradiva

Napomene uz jezik i pismo

Fizičke karakteristike i tehnički preduvjeti

Pronalaženje pomagala

Građa za generalni katalog Državnog arhiva u Dubrovniku, box 13, folder 3. Josip Gelčić,»Catalogus i. r. Archivii Ragusini.« Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja u Bosni i Hercegovini 22 (1910): 537-588.

Područje povezanog gradiva

Postojanje i mjesto originala

State Archives in Dubrovnik

Postojanje i mjesto kopija

Povezane jedinice opisa

Diversa Notariae (HR-DADU-9), Diversa Cancellariae (HR-DADU-15), Registrum citationum de foris (HR-DADU-30)

Povezani opisi

Napomena uz publikaciju

Jorjo Tadić, Jevreji u Dubrovniku do polovine XVII stoljeća (résumé: La Communauté Juive de Dubrovnik), Sarajevo: La Benevolencia, 1937. Marco Moroni, L'impero di San Biagio; Ragusa e i commerci balcanici dopo la conquista turca (1521-1620), Bologna: il Mulino, 2011. Ignacij Voje, Poslovna uspešnost trgovcev v srednjeveškem Dubrovniku (summary), Ljubljana: Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete, 2003. Bariša Krekić, Unequal Rivals: Essays on Relations Between Dubrovnik and Venice in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Century, Zagreb - Dubrovnik: Zavod za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku, 2007. Benedetto Ligorio, Le reti economiche e sociali degli Ebrei nella Repubblica di Ragusa e la diaspora commericale Sefardita (1546-1667), doctoral thesis, Roma: Sapienza, anno accademico 2016/7.

Područje napomena

Alternativni identifikator(i)

Old reference code

Fonds of the Dubrovnik Republic and the territory of the former Republic under the French Administration, series 36.1


Pristupnice predmeta

Pristupnice mjesta

Pristupnice imena

Pristupnice žanra

Područje kontrole opisa

Identifikator opisa

Identifikator ustanove

Korištena pravila i/ili konvencije


Razina pojedinosti

Datumi stvaranja, izmjene, brisanja



  • engleski



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