Subseries HR-DADU-07.3.7 - Diplomata et acta (Documents and acts), 17th century

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Diplomata et acta (Documents and acts), 17th century


  • 17th century (Creation)

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Obujam i medij

87 boxes; textual records

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The subseries contains correspondence between the authorities of the Republic and the authorities of Spain, Austria, the Ottoman Empire, and the states of the Apennine Peninsula during the 17th century. It also contains correspondence between the authorities of the Republic and Dubrovnik consuls, confidants and diplomatic representatives in Italian, Spanish, Austrian and Ottoman cities, mostly in Rome (The Holy See), Ancona, Naples, Vienna, Madrid, Istanbul, Edirne, and Sofia. In addition, the subseries includes correspondence between the authorities of the Republic and local authorities in the territory of the Republic. Most letters sent by the Dubrovnik authorities to the fore mentioned addressees are also in the series Litterae et Commissiones Levantis (HR-DADU-8.1) and Litterae et Commissiones Ponentis (HR-DADU-8.2).

The subseries also contains a collection of judicial investigations and a small number of documents with references to Jewish people. Nevertheless, it is considered to be important for further research offering data about Jewish trade networks in the Mediterranean and the Balkans, the relationship of the civil and judicial authorities of the Republic towards the Jewish people, and the data on the types of cooperation of the Jewish people with the Dubrovnik Republic in general. The subseries contains a small number of letters written by Daniel Coduto and Angiolo Coduto, who were Dubrovnik consuls in an Albanian city of Vlora (e.g., vol. 1936, no. 1). Several Jewish merchants wrote to the authorities of the Republic from Venice, such as David and Samuel Abeatar, Michael Penso, Gabriel Habibi, Daniel Valenzin, and some letters from Jewish merchants from Sofia have also been preserved. There are also some references to Jewish people in approximately ten judicial investigations, three of which concern the families of Venetian converts Banchieri (Sulhani), who, on their way to Sarajevo, spent a short period of time in Dubrovnik. While in Dubrovnik, they declared themselves as Jewish, and were given hospitality by a Dubrovnik Jewish family Cavaliero (e.g., vol. 2051, no. 189). One judicial investigation was conducted against a well-known Jew, Nehemiah Hia Hayon, a former Sarajevo rabbi and Kabbalistic scholar, accused of forcibly extorting money from his debtors (vol. 2053, no. 55). Some court investigations also reference to other Jews such as Raphael Cohen, Samuel Pappo, Jacob Saralvo, Samuel and Muscia Maestro, and the Penso family. Other references to Jewish people are expected to be found also in the correspondence of the authorities of the Republic and the Holy See, as well as in the correspondence of the authorities with the emissaries of the Republic in the Ottoman cities.

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Građa za generalni katalog Državnog arhiva u Dubrovniku, box 6, folder 1; box 7, folder 1. Luka Ćurlica, Protocollo generale dell antico archivio di Ragusa, 1851, vol. 3.

Područje povezanog gradiva

Postojanje i mjesto originala

Postojanje i mjesto kopija

Povezane jedinice opisa

Povezani opisi

Napomena uz publikaciju

Jorjo Tadić, Jevreji u Dubrovniku do polovine XVII stoljeća (résumé: La Communauté Juive de Dubrovnik), Sarajevo: La Benevolencia, 1937. Miroslav Pantić, »Izbor dokumenata o dubrovačkim jevrejima od sredine XVII do kraja XVIII veka.« Zbornik Jevrejskog istorijskog muzeja 1 (1971): 341-402. Vesna Miović, Židovke u Dubrovačkoj Republici (summary: Jewish Women in the Dubrovnik Republic), Zagreb-Dubrovnik: HAZU Zavod za povijesne znanosti, 2013. Vesna Miović, Židovski rodovi u Dubrovniku (1546-1940) (summary: Jewish Families of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), 1546-1940), Zagreb-Dubrovnik: Zavod za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku 2017. Jovan Radonić, Acta et Diplomata Ragusina, III.1, Beograd: SKA, 1939. Jovan Radonić, Acta et Diplomata Ragusina, III.2, Beograd: SKA, 1939. Jovan Radonić, Acta et Diplomata Ragusina, IV.2, Beograd: SKA, 1942. Ilija Mitić, Konzulati i konzularna služba starog Dubrovnika (summary: The Consuls and the Consular Service of Old Dubrovnik), Dubrovnik: Historijski institut JAZU u Dubrovniku, 1973. Lucio Lume, L’archivio storico di Dubrovnik con repertorio di documenti sulle relazioni della repubblica di Ragusa con le città marchigiane, Roma: Archivio di Stato, 1977. Vesna Miović, Dubrovačka diplomacija u Istambulu (summary: Diplomatic Activities of the Republic of Dubrovnik in Istanbul), Zagreb - Dubrovnik: Zavod za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku, 2003. Lovro Kunčević, »Janus-faced Sovereignity: The International Status of the Ragusan Republic in the Early Modern Period.«, in: The European Tributary States of the Ottoman Empire in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, ed. Gábor Kármán and Lovro Kunčević. Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2013: 91-121. Vesna Miović, »Diplomatic Relations between the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Dubrovnik.«, in: The European Tributary States of the Ottoman Empire in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, ed. Gábor Kármán and Lovro Kunčević. Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2013: 187-208. Nikša Varezić, Dosta je reći u Rimu da bi se reklo čitavom svijetu: Dubrovačka i Sveta Stolica tijekom 16. i 17. Stoljeća (summary: Suffice to say it in Rome to have the whole world know: Dubrovnik Republic and the Holy See in the sixteenth and seventeenth century), Zagreb - Dubrovnik: Zavod za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku, 2018.

Područje napomena

Alternativni identifikator(i)

Old reference code

Fonds of the Dubrovnik Republic and the territory of the former Republic under the French Administration, series 76


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  • engleski



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