Področje identitete
- 11th century - 19th century (Ustvarjanje)
Nivo popisa
Obseg in nosilec zapisa
340 boxes, 461 documents; textual records
Področje konteksta
Ime ustvarjalca
Biografska zgodovina
Zgodovina arhivskega gradiva
Preserved interstate treaties and other documents from the 12th century show that authorities would already at that time oversee the work of the public notary and the chancellery. Based on key provisions made during the 15th century, the central administration consisted of five offices located in the Rector's Palace. These were: The Public Notary (legal private affairs), the State Chancellery (legal public affairs), the Judicial Chancellery (criminal justice affairs), the Office of the State Secretary (legal state affairs) and the Slavic Chancellery, which would eventually be transformed into the Turkish Chancellery. The secretaries oversaw the process of taking minutes of the sessions of the Senate, the Minor Council, as well as of those of the Major Council. In addition, secretaries would also compile the entire state correspondence instructed by the Senate and the Minor Council. They also created diplomatic codes and deciphered diplomatic mail, issued state documents such as certificates of the citizenship of the Dubrovnik Republic. The influence of secretaries increased so much in the 17th century that, from that moment onwards, they could be considered as the main administrative officials of the Dubrovnik Republic.
Neposreden vir, od katerega se gradivo prevzema ali prenaša
The fonds has been linked to the archive since its inception. In times of the Dubrovnik Republic, the books of the fonds were stored in the offices of the Rector's Palace, and the most valuable documents were kept in the treasury of the Cathedral. During the last two decades of the 19th century the archival material of the Republic was consolidated and became available to researchers in 1920 and relocated to the Rector's Palace. The archive was dislocated again to the Sponza Palace in 1952, where it is still located today.
Področje vsebine in strukture
Obseg in vsebina
The series consists of subseries Diplomata et acta, until 12th century (HR-DADU-7.3.1), Diplomata et acta, 12th century (HR-DADU-7.3.2), Diplomata et acta, 13th century (HR-DADU-7.3.3), Diplomata et acta, 14th century (HR-DADU-7.3.4), Diplomata et acta, 15th century (HR-DADU-7.3.5), Diplomata et acta, 16th century (HR-DADU-7.3.6), Diplomata et acta, 17th century (HR-DADU-7.3.7), Diplomata et acta, 18th century (HR-DADU-7.3.8) and Diplomata et acta, 19th century (HR-DADU-7.3.9)
Vrednotenje, uničenje in načrtovanje
Dodatno pridobivanje gradiva
Sistem ureditve
Pogoji dostopa in uporabniškega območja
Pogoji, ki urejajo dostop
Pogoji, ki urejajo reproduciranje
Jezik gradiva
- italijanščina
- latinščina
- hrvaščina
Pisava gradiva
- latinica
- cirilica
Opombe o jeziku in pisavi
Fizične značilnosti in tehnične zahteve
Pripomočki za uporabo
Območje združenih gradiv
Obstoj in lokacija izvirnikov
Obstoj in lokacija kopij
Sorodne popisne enote
Področje opomb
Alternativen/-ni identifikator/-ji
Old reference code
Nesnovna gesla
Krajevna gesla
Imenska gesla
Gesla glede spola
Območje nadzorovanega opisa
Identifikator popisa
Identifikator ustanove
Uporabljena pravila in/ali dogovori
Stopnja podrobnosti
Datumi nastanka, popravljanja in izbrisa
- angleščina
Opomba arhivarja
Description prepared by Vesna Miović (Fonds, Series, Subseries) Croatia [The Institute for Historical Sciences in Dubrovnik, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (CASA)] Translation to English by Zrinka Friganović Sain