Fondi HR-DADU-15 - Diversa Cancellariae (Various documents registered at the Chancellery)

Področje identitete




Diversa Cancellariae (Various documents registered at the Chancellery)


  • 1282-1286, 1295-1297, 1305-1306, 1312-1314, 1320-1323, 1325-1330, 1333-1337, 1341-1345, 1347-1352, 1354-1356, 1362-1377, 1381-1418, 1422-1452, 1454-1815 (Ustvarjanje)

Nivo popisa


Obseg in nosilec zapisa

233 volumes; 18 linear metres; textual records

Področje konteksta

Ime ustvarjalca

Zgodovina arhivskega gradiva

Preserved interstate treaties and other documents dating from the 12th century provide enough data to conclude that the authorities would already oversee the work of the public notary and the chancellery. Based on some key provisions made during the 15th century, the central administration consisted of five offices located in the Rector's Palace. These were: The Public Notary (legal private affairs), the State Chancellery (legal public affairs), the Judicial Chancellery (criminal justice affairs), the Office of the State Secretary (legal state affairs) and the Slavic Chancellery, which would eventually be transformed into the Turkish Chancellery. The competencies of some of these state offices, nevertheless, continued to overlap and that is the reason why the books of this fonds, which were kept by the chancellors, cannot be strictly separated from the books from the fonds of Diversa Notariae (HR-DADU-9), which were kept by notaries. The same types of contracts can be found in both fonds, the only difference is in the way in which the contracts were registered.

Neposreden vir, od katerega se gradivo prevzema ali prenaša

The fonds has been linked to the archive since its inception. In times of the Dubrovnik Republic, the books of the fonds were stored in the Rector's Palace. The books remained in the Rector’s Palace after the fall of the Republic (1808). The archives were consolidated in 1891 when they became available to researchers. The archive in the Rector's Palace has been functioning as an independent institution since 1920 and it was dislocated to the Sponza Palace in 1952, where it is still located today.

Področje vsebine in strukture

Obseg in vsebina

The fonds covers the period from the end of the 13th to the beginning of the 19th centuries and contains the data on public legal and judicial affairs and also on those private legal affairs for which the Public Notary was otherwise in charge. Thus, just like the fonds Diversa Notariae, this fonds is an excellent source of information on all aspects of political, economic, cultural, public and private life in the Republic of Dubrovnik.

The fonds is, therefore, very important for the research of the history of the Jewish people. It provides relevant data on business and private connections of Jews in Europe, mostly Southeast Europe, then in North Africa and the Middle East, in the period from the 14th to the beginning of the 19th centuries. The earliest reference found so far dates from 1368, when David from an Albanian city of Durrës, in the presence of witnesses Moshe, the son of Matthew, and Solomon, also from Durrës, registered a declaration of receipt of a financial deposit from a certain Venetian (vol. 21, ff. 71v, 72). A few more examples from earlier times illustrate well the diversity and relevance of this fonds. Astruch, the son of Jacob, called "Bonaventura", found his runaway son-in-law, Joseph Farrer from Padua, in Dubrovnik in the year 1400. They both signed an agreement at the Public Notary, in which it was stated that Joseph must return to his wife Astrucha within seven months. If he failed to do so, he would have to pay a fine of 20 perpers, and 10 perpers of this amount would be paid to Astruch (who found him). In the same document, Joseph also pledged to reimburse his father-in-law for the costs of the search. Witnesses to the agreement were Vives, the son of Astruch and Moshe, the son of Joseph (vol. 33, f. 183). In 1414, a medical examiner Samuel, signed a contract with a blind Ragusan Pripko Kaličević. The contract states that if the doctor managed to cure Pripko's eyes, he would be awarded 10 golden ducats, and if he failed, he would get nothing (vol. 40, f. 27v). The fonds also references other prominent and well-known people from that time such as: Abner Alfarin, Isac Ergas, Daniel Rodrigues, Nehemia Hia Haion, Solomon Oef, David Pass (Passo), Didacus Pyrrhus and some members of a highly respected Dubrovnik Jewish family, the Coens. Some members of Dubrovnik Jewish families Ambonetti, Campos, Fermo, Levi Mandolfo, Luzzena, Maestro, Pardo, Russo, Terni, Tolentino, Valenzin, Vitali were also referenced many timesare mentioned a lot. There are also many references to Jews who remained in Dubrovnik for a very short time, or to those who only passed through it or even never came directly but did business through the city with the help of intermediaries. One will was also registered in the books of this fonds. It is the will of Moshe Alfandrino, which was composed in 1584 in Venice. Two years later, Mira Alfandrino, Moshe's widow, also registered her will at the Public Notary in Dubrovnik (vol. 174, ff. 21v-22v a tergo).

Vrednotenje, uničenje in načrtovanje

Dodatno pridobivanje gradiva

Sistem ureditve

Pogoji dostopa in uporabniškega območja

Pogoji, ki urejajo dostop

The fonds is fully accessible to researchers in accordance with the Ordinance on the work in the reading room of the State Archives in Dubrovnik and the Law on Archival Materials and Archives NN 61/18 (Pravilnik o radu u čitaonici Državnog arhiva u Dubrovniku and Zakon o arhivskom gradivu i arhivima NN 61/18).

Pogoji, ki urejajo reproduciranje

Taking photographs and scanning are allowed, for a fee.

Jezik gradiva

  • italijanščina
  • latinščina

Pisava gradiva

  • latinica

Opombe o jeziku in pisavi

Fizične značilnosti in tehnične zahteve

Parchement. The archival material is well preserved.

Pripomočki za uporabo

Građa za generalni katalog Državnog arhiva u Dubrovniku, box 17, folder 3. Josip Gelčić,»Catalogus i. r. Archivii Ragusini.« Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja u Bosni i Hercegovini 22 (1910): 537-588.

Območje združenih gradiv

Obstoj in lokacija izvirnikov

State Archives in Dubrovnik

Obstoj in lokacija kopij

The fonds has been completely transferred to microfilms, but the microfilms are not available to the users of archives.

Sorodne popisne enote

Diversa Notariae (HR-DADU-9), Sententiae Cancellariae (HR-DADU-18), Lamenta politica (HR-DADU-19), Lamenta criminalia (HR-DADU-20), Lamenta de criminali (HR-DADU-21), Intentiones Cancellariae (HR-DADU-22), Criminalia (HR-DADU-23), Diversa et possessio de Criminalibus (HR-DADU-24), Stabilia (HR-DADU-25), Mobilia (HR-DADU-26), Sequestra (HR-DADU-27)

Povezani opisi

Opomba o objavi

Gregor Čremošnik, Istorijski spomenici Dubrovačkog arhiva: Kancelarijski i notarski spisi g. 1278-1301, Beograd, 1932. Jorjo Tadić, Jevreji u Dubrovniku do polovine XVII stoljeća (résumé: La Communauté Juive de Dubrovnik), Sarajevo: La Benevolencia, 1937. Notae et acta Cancellariae Ragusinae, II, Notae et acta notarii Tomasini de Sauere, 1282-1284, ed. Josip Lučić, Zagreb: JAZU, 1984. Notae et acta Cancellariae Ragusinae, III, Notae et acta notarii Tomasini de Sauere, 1284-1286, Notae et acta notarii Açonis de Titullo 1295-1297, ed. Josip Lučić, Zagreb: JAZU, 1988. Stjepan Ćosić, »Prinos poznavanju tajništva i arhiva Dubrovačke Republike.« (summary: Contribution to the Knowledge of Secretary Office and Archives in Republic of Dubrovnik) Arhivski vjesnik 37 (1994): 123-145. Ignacij Voje, Poslovna uspešnost trgovcev v srednjeveškem Dubrovniku (summary), Ljubljana: Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete, 2003. Bariša Krekić, Unequal Rivals: Essays on Relations Between Dubrovnik and Venice in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Century, Zagreb - Dubrovnik: Zavod za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku, 2007.

Področje opomb

Alternativen/-ni identifikator/-ji

Old reference code

Fonds of the Dubrovnik Republic and the territory of the former Republic under the French Administration, series 25


Nesnovna gesla

Krajevna gesla

Imenska gesla

Gesla glede spola

Območje nadzorovanega opisa

Identifikator popisa

Identifikator ustanove

Uporabljena pravila in/ali dogovori

Descriptions of fonds, series and sub-series are made according to the ISAD (G) standard (general international standard archival description).


Stopnja podrobnosti

Datumi nastanka, popravljanja in izbrisa



  • angleščina



Opomba arhivarja

Description prepared by Vesna Miović (Fonds, Series, Subseries) Croatia [The Institute for Historical Sciences in Dubrovnik, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (CASA)] Translation to English by Zrinka Friganović Sain

Območje prevzemanja

Sorodni subjekti

Sorodni ljudje in organizacije

Sorodne zvsti

Sorodni kraji