Showing 18 results
Archival description1 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Acta et diplomata (Acts and documents)
Acta et diplomata (Acts and documents)
Privilegia; Privilegi (Charters and documents issued by various rulers)
Privilegia; Privilegi (Charters and documents issued by various rulers)
Acta Turcarum (Ottoman Turkish documents)
Acta Turcarum (Ottoman Turkish documents)
Sultans’ Documents
Sultans’ Documents
Orders of the Governors of the Bosnian Eyalet and of Herzegovinian Sancakbeys
Orders of the Governors of the Bosnian Eyalet and of Herzegovinian Sancakbeys
Letters of Governors of Bosnian Eyalet and of Herzegovinian Sancakbeys
Letters of Governors of Bosnian Eyalet and of Herzegovinian Sancakbeys
Official documents of kadis
Official documents of kadis
Diplomata et acta (Documents and acts)
Diplomata et acta (Documents and acts)
Diplomata et acta (Documents and acts), until the 12th century
Diplomata et acta (Documents and acts), until the 12th century
Diplomata et acta (Documents and acts), 12th century
Diplomata et acta (Documents and acts), 12th century
Results 1 to 10 of 18