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Dohana (Customs duties and taxes)

The series consists of various books that can be divided into following groups according to the content of registers: registers of customs duties on merchandise (including name of the trader and the amount of customs; avere and dare), registers of collection of fees for the use of warehouses on the premises of the Customs House (name of the trader and the amount of fee per month; avere and dare), registers of debtors to the Customs House (name of the trader and the amount of the debt; avere and dare), registers of taxes on meat (gabella di carne); registers for the collection of duties and fees to owners of pubs, registers of goods disembarked from ships (including data on the port from which the ship sailed, the list of goods, the amount of customs duty), registers of customs duties on money deposits in Italian banks, registers of trade of goods stored in the warehouses of the Customs House, registers of collection of fees for selling ship shares, books of investigations kept by customs officers and judgements that were reached, books of expenditures of the Customs House, and various indexes made according to the first name of the person involved in the case (with a reference to the page number, but without information on the book these indexes refer to). Most registers contain documents on collection of customs, lists with names of debtors to the Customs House and documents providing data on collection of fees for the usage of customs warehouses. The first volume of this series is the Customs Statute of the Dubrovnik Republic from 1277.

The series is very important for researching trade affairs of Jews and for reconstructing their business network in the Balkans and on the Mediterranean Sea. References to Jewish merchants can be found in most of the above-mentioned registers of the series. The data provided in the registers of the series are very diverse: identifying the type of goods, ports, and cities from which the goods were delivered, amounts of customs duties, and amounts of collected fees for the use of warehouses, as well as the names of traders. There are many references to Jewish traders, especially in the documents that date from the 60s of the 16th centuries, and among various Jewish families referenced to in this period there are families such as Abeatar, Abensaxen, Abenun, Abuaff, Amariglo, Baruch, Cabiglio, Catinella, Cidi, Cussi, Coen, Danon, Del Rei, Dios, Ergas, Esperiel, Finzi, Lindo, Maestro, Miranda, Membre, Moscato, Oef (Ohev), Pappo, Pardo, Rodriga, Samaria, Sasso, Zacharia. Notable Jews from that period also referenced to in the series are Daniel Rodriga, Didacus Pyrrhus (Isaiah Coen) (e.g., vol. 10, ff. 108v, 109), Isac Ergas (the legal representative of Gracia Mendes) and his brother Samuel. An important fact that needs to be pointed out regarding this fonds is that some members of the Jewish community in Dubrovnik are identified in these documents as leaseholders of the warehouses belonging to the Customs House since the end of the 16th century. The community paid an annual rent in the amount of 750-770 perpers for these premises (e.g., vol. 21, f. 34). The data revealed in another study on Jewish families living in that period (1546-1940) also confirm that some Jewish families cease to be referenced, and names of other Jewish families begin to be referenced in the 17th century. The data of this series from the 17th century thus show references to Jewish family surnames (last names) such as Abeatar, Abenun, Abudente, Baruch, Coen, Consolo, Danon (Bendanon), Esperiel, Lanciano, Luzzena, Oef, Macchioro, Maestro, Miranda, Pappo, Penso, Ribera, Sages, Saralvo, Senior, Zevi. Very notable Jewish merchants among the above mentioned were Aaron, David, Elazar and Raphael Coen, and Jacob and Tsadik Danon. The name of a Jewish merchant Isaac Jeshurun (vol. 22, f. 81v) particularly stands out: he was a merchant who was accused in 1622 of committing a ritual murder of a girl from Dubrovnik. The records show that the books of this series from the 18th century provide multiple data on different members of some other Jewish families such as Ambonetti, Baraffael, Campos, Costantini, Fermi, Janni, Levi, Levi Mandolfo, Luzzena, Maestro, Nahas, Pardo, Penso, Russo, Valenzin, Vitali.

Giumruch (Advance fees paid by the Dubrovnik Republic to the Ottomans)

There are no references to Jewish people in the series.
Starting in 1521, the Dubrovnik Republic paid customs duties at a flat rate (i.e. in advance) to the Ottomans on behalf of Dubrovnik merchants who traded in the European part of the Ottoman Empire. This customs duty was called giumruch (Turkish: gümrük) and amounted to 100,000 akches (aspers) per year. Special customs officers, so-called giumruchi, would travel around the trading settlements and colonies to collect this duty giumruch. The series consists of books that were kept based on the reports done by these officials and each book contains lists of merchants and the amounts of customs duties these merchants paid, or were obliged to pay, in several ten-year periods of the 16th and the 17th centuries.

Apolitiae (Monetary transfers)

The series consists of books that comprise the period from the middle of the 16th century to the beginning of the 19th century, and is entitled Polizze Ordinarie, while Polizze Extraordinarie are also recorded a tergo. The content of the series primarily deals with the registration of various monetary transfers, i.e., payment of salaries, advances of salaries, and seemingly, also loans to all state employees of the Dubrovnik Republic, to church officials and to certain institutions such as the hospital Domus Christi and monasteries. All series of the fonds Apolitiae have not beenresearched at all so far, and thus their content is difficult to connect to other fonds and at this moment it is only possible to connect the content of this series with the series Strapazzo delle Polizze (HR-DADU-45.2). Each entry in this series contains a certain number, and a more detailed description of a specific monetary transfer can be found under this number in the series Strapazzo delle Polizze.

The reimbursement of a four-months' salary to a state surgeon Abraham in 1589 is probably the only reference to Jewish people in this series (vol. 6, f. 118).

Strapazzo delle polizze (Drafts of monetary transfers)

There are no references to Jewish people in the series.
All the series of the fonds Apolitiae have not been fully researched and it is very difficult to establish the connection between them. The only possible connection found so far is to the documents of the Apolitiae series (HR-DADU-45.1). For each entry in the Apolitiae series a certain number is recorded indicating the existence of a more detailed description of the type of compensation made to state employees of the Dubrovnik Republic at the end of the 17th century, and in certain periods of the 18th century.

Registrum apolitiarum (Register of monetary transfers)

There are no references to Jewish people in this series.
The series of the fonds Apolitiae have not been researched so far and it is difficult to establish the connection between the documents. Similar to the series Apolitiae (HR-DADU-45.1) and Strapazzo delle Polizze (HR-DADU-45.2), this series also contains documents that provide data into salaries of the state employees of the Dubrovnik Republic and into various other state expenditures. All documents that indicate monetary transfers are marked with ordinal numbers and separated on a yearly basis. The series primarily covers the period between the 70s of the 16th centuries to the beginning of the 17th century.

Apolitiae bullatae (Stamped monetary transfers)

There are no references to Jewish people in this series.
The series of the fonds Apolitiae have not been researched so far and it is difficult to establish the connection between the documents in these series. Similar to the first three series of the fonds Apolitiae, this series also contains entries of salaries of state employees as well as records of other various state expenditures. It is not evident why these monetary transactions are singled out and named as "stamped monetary transactions". Some volumes of this series are named Polizze bulate che si stracciano.

Apolitiae salinariae (Monetary transfers for the purchase of salt)

The series consists of only one book with recorded entries of payments for the purchase of salt for the needs of the Dubrovnik Republic between 1799 and 1808. The book is entitled Giornale delle Polizze dell'Officio sopra la distributione de 'sali per lo stato 1799.

The book is important for the research of the involvement of Dubrovnik Jews in the salt trade during the times of the Republic. The book provides evidence that certain members of some Dubrovnik Jewish families such as Ambonetti, Cittanova, Costantini, Janni, Levi, Levi Mandolfo, Maestro, Pardo, Penso, Russi, Valenzin, Venturra, Vitali, Terni, Tolentino were involved in this trade.

Apolitiae depositorum; Polize di depositi (Monetary deposits)

There are no references to the Jewish people in the series.
The series contains registers of monetary deposits to the treasurers and legal representatives of the Cathedral. These transactions were either bequeathed to certain persons or were of some other origin (for example: references of payments of state revenue from taxes on wine trade). The first volume is entitled Libro de deposito osia versamento di denari in mani di Tesorieri et Procuratori di Santa Maria per titolo di legati e d'altri provenienti. The books cover the period from the end of the 16th to the beginning of the 19th century.

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