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Diversa thesaurariorum (Various documents issued by treasurers)

The series contains registers of state revenues and expenditures from the 17th to the beginning of the 19th century.

The only reference to Jewish people in this series is the reference to extraordinary taxes that had to be paid by Jews, sea captains and Orthodox community of the Republic in the 60s and the 80s of the 18th centuries for the costs of protection against the plague (e.g., vol. 5, f. 12v).

Repizo (Books of construction work and repairs)

There are no references to Jewish people in the series.
The service of syndics, state officials for the supervision of offices that provided services for locals, was introduced in the 15th century. These officials would visit the area of Dubrovnik every spring to handle complaints from the population and investigate ex officio any issue they would consider relevant and necessary to solve. Upon their return, they were required to compile a report and submit this report to the Senate. The volumes of this series contain records made by syndics beginning in 1545.

Liber dominorum syndicum (Books of syndics)

There are no references to Jewish people in the series.
The service of syndics, state officials for the supervision of offices that provided services for locals, was introduced in the 15th century. These officials would visit the area of Dubrovnik every spring to handle complaints from the population and investigate ex officio any issue they would consider relevant and necessary to solve. Upon their return, they were required to compile a report and submit this report to the Senate. The volumes of this series contain records made by syndics beginning in 1545.

Cassa comunis (Communal treasury)

  • HR-DADU-40
  • Fonds
  • 16th century - 18th century

The books of this fonds contain documents that indicate payments of salaries to state employees and other payments made in accordance with the orders of the Senate. The registers consist of so-called general ledgers with accompanying journal and directories. The books of this fonds have not been sufficiently researched and many are found to be missing. The documents in the fonds cover the period from the 16th to the 18th century.

There are very few references to Jews in the fonds, and the references found mainly refer to Jewish people who were state employees, such as e.g., Jacob Coduto, the consul of the Dubrovnik Republic in an Albanian city of Vlora (1557-1572), and a surgeon by the name of Abraham (1558-1590) (e.g., vol. 8a, letter A).

Office of the communal treasury

Montes; Monti (Books of business transactions with monetary institutions)

  • HR-DADU-41
  • Fonds
  • 1575-1577, 1583-1588, 1601, 1621, 1700-1724, 1789-1790

There are no references to Jewish people in this fonds.
The books of this fonds contain data on money investments in foreign banks and on interest income gained from these investments. The data mainly refer to banks (monti) in Italian cities such as Rome, Naples, Venice, Genoa, Palermo, Messina, and, since the 18th century, also to the banks in Vienna.

Treasurers of the Cathedral

Salinaria (Salt office)

  • HR-DADU-42
  • Fonds
  • 15th century - 18th century

The fonds contains books of expenditures for the maintenance of the salt basins in the Dubrovnik Republic and the costs of the fees and salaries of state employees such as guards, weighers, porters, or noblemen who managed the Salt Office, etc. The fonds also contains registers of purchases of foreign salt, registers of sales of domestic salt, registers containing entries on payments of fees to boat owners who transported the salt produced in the Republic for sale to Gabela (the Neretva River) at the end of the 16th century and in the 17th century.

The bookbinder Manuel (Emanuel Coen), who in the early 17th and the 18th centuries bound books for the needs of the Salt Office (e.g., vol. 37, no. 45), is most likely the only Jew referenced to in this fonds.

Salt office

Justiciaria; Giustizieria (Inspectors of weights and measures)

  • HR-DADU-43
  • Fonds
  • 15th century - 17th century

Some books of this fonds, such as the Processum matrimoniale Marusse relicte olim Antonii Bratossaglich die VIII mai 1480, Lamenti dinnanzi Giudici del Criminale 1490-1490, Lamenta Notariae 1519-1524, due to their content, in fact belong to other fonds. The books of this fonds mainly consist of complaints (Lamenti de Giutizieria) and judgments that were both reached by justicieri (Sententie de Giusticieri). Some judgments can also be found in the books of complaints. The inappropriate usage of measures and weights, the sale of goods at prices higher than prescribed, the sale of goods without the permission of the justicieri and the embarkation of goods not previously weighed are the most common topics of these complaints and judgments. The goods that are referenced to in the books of this fonds are most often various food products, soap, clothing, and similar products. The books cover the period from the beginning of the 15th to the 70s of the 17th centuries.

There are only very few references to Jewish people in this fonds. These references can mostly be found in the books of the Lamenti de Giutizieria from the 17th century. In these references Jews are usually accused of unauthorized sale of goods or sale at prices higher than prescribed (e.g., vol. 9, f. 10). An interesting fact about these references is that only first names appear in the records.

Inspectors of weights and measures

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