Serija HR-DADU-59.1 - Iudicatus et sententiae Officii navigationis; Giudicati e sentenze dell'Offizio della Navigazione (Presude Magistrata za pomorstvo/Judgements of the Office of Maritime Affairs)

Področje identitete




Iudicatus et sententiae Officii navigationis; Giudicati e sentenze dell'Offizio della Navigazione (Presude Magistrata za pomorstvo/Judgements of the Office of Maritime Affairs)


  • 1748-1763 (Ustvarjanje)

Nivo popisa


Obseg in nosilec zapisa

1 volume; textual records

Področje konteksta

Zgodovina arhivskega gradiva

Neposreden vir, od katerega se gradivo prevzema ali prenaša

Področje vsebine in strukture

Obseg in vsebina

Judgments of the Maritime Court have been preserved for the period from the 40s to the 60s of the 18th centuries. They were reached by senators who managed the Maritime Office (Signori Senatori Officiali alla Sopraintendenza della Navigazione). Their authorities were limited to civil lawsuits, which were mainly related to conflicts between co-owners of the ships, conflicts between crew members and the captain or the owners of the ships, conflicts between the captain and co-owners of the ships, or conflicts concerning the construction of new ships.

In this series, which consists of only one volume, there is only a small number of references to Jews. The data provided in the series are deemed suitable for the research of the involvement of Ragusan Jews in the maritime affairs of the Republic in the 18th century. The references to the Jewish population are primarily to members of Ragusan Jewish families such as Levi Mandolfo and Tolentino. In disputes cited these Jews are referenced as co-owners of ships (e.g., vol. 1, f. 58v-62v).

Vrednotenje, uničenje in načrtovanje

Dodatno pridobivanje gradiva

Sistem ureditve

Pogoji dostopa in uporabniškega območja

Pogoji, ki urejajo dostop

Pogoji, ki urejajo reproduciranje

Jezik gradiva

Pisava gradiva

Opombe o jeziku in pisavi

Fizične značilnosti in tehnične zahteve

Pripomočki za uporabo

Območje združenih gradiv

Obstoj in lokacija izvirnikov

State Archives in Dubrovnik

Obstoj in lokacija kopij

Sorodne popisne enote

Intentiones navigationis (HR-DADU-56.4), Sequestra Officii navigationis (HR-DADU-59.2), Commandamenta et sententiae navigationis (HR-DADU-59.3)

Povezani opisi

Opomba o objavi

Vinko Foretić, »Pomorska serija starog Dubrovačkog arhiva, I.« Naše more 11 (1954): 597-599.Vinko Foretić, »Pomorska serija starog Dubrovačkog arhiva, II.« Naše more 12 (1954): 664-666.
Josip Luetić, O pomorstvu Dubrovačke Republike u XVIII. stoljeću (resumé: La marine marchande de Dubrovnik au XVIIIe siécle), Dubrovnik: JAZU, Pomorski muzej Dubrovnik, 1959.

Področje opomb

Alternativen/-ni identifikator/-ji

Old reference code

Fonds of the Dubrovnik Republic and the territory of the former Republic under the French Administration, series 56.13


Nesnovna gesla

Krajevna gesla

Imenska gesla

Gesla glede spola

Območje nadzorovanega opisa

Identifikator popisa

Identifikator ustanove

Uporabljena pravila in/ali dogovori


Stopnja podrobnosti

Datumi nastanka, popravljanja in izbrisa



  • angleščina



Območje prevzemanja

Sorodni subjekti

Sorodni ljudje in organizacije

Sorodne zvsti

Sorodni kraji