Serija HR-DADU-56.3 - Litterae Officii navigationis; Lettere dell'Offizio della Navigazione (Official letters from the Maritime Office)

Področje identitete




Litterae Officii navigationis; Lettere dell'Offizio della Navigazione (Official letters from the Maritime Office)


  • 1745-1802 (Ustvarjanje)

Nivo popisa


Obseg in nosilec zapisa

10 volumes; textual records

Področje konteksta

Zgodovina arhivskega gradiva

Neposreden vir, od katerega se gradivo prevzema ali prenaša

Področje vsebine in strukture

Obseg in vsebina

The series contains official letters from the mid-18th century to the early 19th century sent by the Maritime Office to consuls and representatives of the Dubrovnik Republic in Italian, Ottoman, African, Spanish, and Portuguese ports. Due to a new increase of maritime affairs in the Republic at that time, the Republic of Dubrovnik had established about 80 consular offices in these ports. The series also contains circular letters and instructions to Ragusan sea captains, to all consuls of the Republic, and specifically to all consuls in the Ottoman Empire and to all consuls in the countries in the Western Mediterranean parts of Europe.

The series contains a small number of letters sent to Jewish people by the officials of the Maritime Office. Among those people, in the second half of the 18th century, there are references to the administrators of the consulates of the Dubrovnik Republic in Algeria, Abram and Raphael Jacob Bussara, (e.g., vol. 8, f. 3). There is also another reference to Abram Aruch, who was responsible for Ragusan ships in Alexandria at the time when there was no Dubrovnik consul in the city (vol. 1, f. 110).

Vrednotenje, uničenje in načrtovanje

Dodatno pridobivanje gradiva

Sistem ureditve

Pogoji dostopa in uporabniškega območja

Pogoji, ki urejajo dostop

Pogoji, ki urejajo reproduciranje

Jezik gradiva

Pisava gradiva

Opombe o jeziku in pisavi

Fizične značilnosti in tehnične zahteve

Pripomočki za uporabo

Območje združenih gradiv

Obstoj in lokacija izvirnikov

State Archives in Dubrovnik

Obstoj in lokacija kopij

Sorodne popisne enote

Venditae caratiorum (HR-DADU-56.1), Patenta, Concessiones navigationis et Renovationes concessionum (HR-DADU-56.2), Intentiones navigationis (HR-DADU-56.4), Apolitiae onerum (HR-DADU-56.5), Diplomata navigationis (HR-DADU-56.6), Provedimenta navigationis (HR-DADU-56.7), Diversae terminationes et notae Officii navigationis (HR-DADU-56.8), Diversa navigationis (HR-DADU-56.9).

Povezani opisi

Opomba o objavi

Vinko Foretić, »Pomorska serija starog Dubrovačkog arhiva, I.« Naše more 11 (1954): 597-599.Vinko Foretić, »Pomorska serija starog Dubrovačkog arhiva, II.« Naše more 12 (1954): 664-666. Ilija Mitić, Konzulati i konzularna služba starog Dubrovnika (summary: The Consuls and the Consular Service of Old Dubrovnik: rissunto: Consolati e servizi della vecchia Dubrovnik), Dubrovnik: Historijski institut JAZU u Dubrovnik, 1973.

Področje opomb


Some volumes of this series have alphabetical indexes according to the first names of the recipients of the letters, with an indication of the number of the page on which the letter begins.

Alternativen/-ni identifikator/-ji

Old reference code

Fonds of the Dubrovnik Republic and the territory of the former Republic under the French Administration, series 56.12


Nesnovna gesla

Krajevna gesla

Imenska gesla

Gesla glede spola

Območje nadzorovanega opisa

Identifikator popisa

Identifikator ustanove

Uporabljena pravila in/ali dogovori


Stopnja podrobnosti

Datumi nastanka, popravljanja in izbrisa



  • angleščina



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