Subseries HR-DADU-07.2.4 - Official documents of kadis

HR-DADU-7.2.4, vol. 4, no. 474

Područje identiteta




Official documents of kadis


  • 1487-1805 (Creation)

Razina opisa


Obujam i medij

13 boxes; textual records

Područje konteksta

Povijest arhivskog gradiva

Neposredni izvor akvizicije ili prijenosa

Područje sadržaja i strukture

Opseg i sadržaj

Given the fact that the Dubrovnik Republic bordered the Ottoman Empire along its entire border line, it is not surprising that there were many situations, such as robberies, murders, armed and physical conflicts, debts, usurpation of fields and pastures, in which both judicial authorities had to intervene, those of the Republic and those of the Ottoman Empire. For this reason, the State Archives in Dubrovnik is in possession of a large collection of reports, petitions, and investigations of kadis. Most official documents were written by the kadis from Ljubinje and Herceg Novi. The remaining documents were written by other Bosnian Herzegovinian kadis, as well as by the kadis from today’s areas of Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, Croatia, Egypt, Turkey, Hungary, Albania, Greece, and Bulgaria. The documents of this subseries cover a long-time span: from the last decades of the 15th century to the beginning of the 19th century. These documents are a first-class archival source for exploring all aspects of everyday life as well as other facts pertaining to the life or coexistence of people in the bordering countries.

Jewish people are mentioned in this subseries in only a small number of documents related to court investigations, for example in a document issued in 1580 by the kadi of Plovdiv on the trade conflict between two people named Vicko and Solomon, and in another document from 1571, issued by the kadi of Herceg Novi, on the murder of Menachem Maraz, who was killed in Dubrovnik by Benvenisti Nasci (vol. 4, no. 474; vol. 11, no. 796).

Vrednovanje, uništavanje i planiranje


Sustav razmještaja

Područje uvjeta dostupnosti i korištenja

Uvjeti koji određuju dostupnost

Uvjeti koji određuju reprodukciju

Jezik gradiva

Pismo gradiva

Napomene uz jezik i pismo

Fizičke karakteristike i tehnički preduvjeti

Pronalaženje pomagala

Analytical inventory of the official documents issued by kadis, State Archives in Dubrovnik, Vesna Miović, 2019.

Područje povezanog gradiva

Postojanje i mjesto originala

Postojanje i mjesto kopija

Povezane jedinice opisa

Povezani opisi

Napomena uz publikaciju

Vesna Miović, Nikša Selmani, »Turska kancelarija i Acta Turcarum od vremena Dubrovačke Republike do danas.« (summary: Turkish Chancellery and Acta Turcarum from the period of the Dubrovnik Republic until the Present) Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku 45 (2007): 235-284.

Područje napomena

Alternativni identifikator(i)


Pristupnice predmeta

Pristupnice mjesta

Pristupnice imena

Pristupnice žanra

Područje kontrole opisa

Identifikator opisa

Identifikator ustanove

Korištena pravila i/ili konvencije


Razina pojedinosti

Datumi stvaranja, izmjene, brisanja



  • engleski



Područje akcesije

Povezani predmeti

Povezane osobe i organizacije

Povezani žanri

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