Series HR-DADU-56.2 - Patenta, Concessiones navigationis et Renovationes concessionum; Patenti, Congedi, Proroghe dei Bastimenti (Permits for navigating beyond the Adriatic Sea)

Područje identiteta




Patenta, Concessiones navigationis et Renovationes concessionum; Patenti, Congedi, Proroghe dei Bastimenti (Permits for navigating beyond the Adriatic Sea)


  • 1744-1807 (Creation)

Razina opisa


Obujam i medij

2 volumes; textual records

Područje konteksta

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Opseg i sadržaj

Ragusan sea captains that sailed on the ships of the Republic had to have a document called patente for legal navigation. They also needed a special license (congedo) to navigate beyond the Adriatic Sea, which was usually issued for a period of three and a half years. The consent to extend that permit was called a proroga and was usually issued for a period of six months. In the first volume of this series the records show different prorogas which were issued on the basis of congedos in the period from 1744 to 1807. On the left page of the book, congedos are recorded, and on the right page, prorogas. The format is the following: Antonio Brateglich Capitano del Brighentino nominato S. Catterina ha avuto il primo Congedo per tre anni e sei mesi di rispetto da computarsi dal adi 10 Marzo 1799 (left page); Ad istanza di Reuben Vita Ambonetti adi 27 Giugno 1802 avuta la proroga in iscritto per sei mesi dallo spirare del contranotto primo congedo, cosiche li scorrono li quatro anni (right page; vol. 1, ff. 9v, 10). The second volume of this series contains documents patenti and congedi.

The first volume of this series is important for researching the role of Jews in maritime affairs of the Dubrovnik Republic. Requests for the extension of the permit to sail outside the Adriatic were requested by the co-owners of the ships, among whom there was a large number of Ragusan Jews from different families such as Ambonetti, Costantini, Levi Mandolfo, Maestro, Pardo, Terni, Tolentino.

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Fizičke karakteristike i tehnički preduvjeti

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Postojanje i mjesto originala

State Archives in Dubrovnik

Postojanje i mjesto kopija

Povezane jedinice opisa

Venditae caratiorum(HR-DADU-56.1), Litterae Officii navigationis (HR-DADU-56.3), Intentiones navigationis (HR-DADU-56.4), Apolitiae onerum (HR-DADU-56.5), Diplomata navigationis (HR-DADU-56.6), Provedimenta navigationis (HR-DADU-56.7), Diversae terminationes et notae Officii navigationis (HR-DADU-56.8), and Diversa navigationis (HR-DADU-56.9).

Povezani opisi

Napomena uz publikaciju

Vinko Foretić, »Pomorska serija starog Dubrovačkog arhiva, I.« Naše more 11 (1954): 597-599.Vinko Foretić, »Pomorska serija starog Dubrovačkog arhiva, II.« Naše more 12 (1954): 664-666. Ilija Mitić, Konzulati i konzularna služba starog Dubrovnika (summary: The Consuls and the Consular Service of Old Dubrovnik: rissunto: Consolati e servizi della vecchia Dubrovnik), Dubrovnik: Historijski institut JAZU u Dubrovnik, 1973.

Područje napomena

Alternativni identifikator(i)

Old reference code

Fonds of the Dubrovnik Republic and the territory of the former Republic under the French Administration, series 56.11


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Pristupnice mjesta

Pristupnice imena

Pristupnice žanra

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Identifikator opisa

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  • engleski



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