Področje identitete
- 1282-1283, 1295-1379, 1381-1414, 1416-1473, 1476-1650, 1654-1815 (Ustvarjanje)
Nivo popisa
Obseg in nosilec zapisa
94 volumes; textual records
Področje konteksta
Ime ustvarjalca
Zgodovina arhivskega gradiva
Neposreden vir, od katerega se gradivo prevzema ali prenaša
Področje vsebine in strukture
Obseg in vsebina
The series consists of wills of citizens, i.e., residents of the Dubrovnik Republic, as well as the wills of non-residents of the Republic, in the period from the end of the 13th to the beginning of the 19th century. The series is a very important archival source for both researchers of the legal history of Jewish people and for those who research the history of their everyday life and daily routines.
Approximately 20 wills of Jewish people have been preserved in the records of the State Archives in Dubrovnik, dating from the 16th to the 18th century. Out of this number, 16 wills were recorded in this series, and the names of the testators indicate some prominent and famous persons such as Didacus Pyrrhus (vol. 51, ff. 27v-28v), Aron Cohen, a famous rabbi of the 17th century (vol. 55, ff. 164v-166) and his descendant Raphael Cohen, a distinguished merchant and benefactor (vol. 74, ff. 66-67). The wills of Abram Abinun (vol. 59, f. 33v; 1628), Nathan Ambonetti (vol. 87, ff. 67v, 68), Rica Barrafael (vol. 80, f. 149v), Moshe Calderon (vol. 43, ff. 182, 182v), Abram Campos (vol. 66, f. 33v), Isac Vita Campos (vol. 81, f. 33v), Joseph Esperiel (vol. 55, ff. 21-22), Ester Maccioro (vol. 63, ff. 94v-95v), Ester Maestro, the wife of Moshe (vol. 58, ff. 168, 168v), Ester Maestro, the wife of Solomon (vol. 78, ff. 62, 62v), Solomon Pardo (vol. 84, ff. 129v), Decora de Silva (vol. 72, ff. 39, 39v) and Bona Vitali (vol. 81, ff. 49v, 50). The remaining wills are in the fonds of Diversa Notariae (HR-DADU-9), Diversa Cancellariae (HR-DADU-15), Diversa et possessio de criminalibus (HR-DADU-24), Miscellanea (HR-DADU-61) and in the series Diversa de Foris (HR-DADU-30.2). Most wills have been published.
Vrednotenje, uničenje in načrtovanje
Dodatno pridobivanje gradiva
Sistem ureditve
Pogoji dostopa in uporabniškega območja
Pogoji, ki urejajo dostop
Pogoji, ki urejajo reproduciranje
Jezik gradiva
Pisava gradiva
Opombe o jeziku in pisavi
Fizične značilnosti in tehnične zahteve
Pripomočki za uporabo
Građa za generalni katalog Državnog arhiva u Dubrovniku, box 13, folders 7-12; box 14, folders 1-10; box 15, folder 1.Josip Gelčić,»Catalogus i. r. Archivii Ragusini.« Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja u Bosni i Hercegovini 22 (1910): 537-588. Testators' files. Alfabeto de testamenti de speciali persone scripte in libro de signori thesorieri de santa Maria scripti per me Antonio de Marco in M.D. XI. Adi XII. luio indictione XIV. (HR-DADU-12.1, vol. 93). Testamenta ab anno 1793. ad annum 1894. /Incompletum. Sunt etiam litterae ab anno 1772./ (HR-DADU-12.1, vol. 94).
Območje združenih gradiv
Obstoj in lokacija izvirnikov
Obstoj in lokacija kopij
Sorodne popisne enote
Opomba o objavi
Jorjo Tadić, Jevreji u Dubrovniku do polovine XVII stoljeća (résumé: La Communauté Juive de Dubrovnik), Sarajevo: La Benevolencia, 1937. Notae et acta Cancellariae Ragusinae, I, Notae et acta notarii Thomasini de Sauere 1278-1282, ed. Gregor Čremošnik, Zagreb: JAZU, 1951.Miroslav Pantić, »Izbor dokumenata o dubrovačkim jevrejima od sredine XVII do kraja XVIII veka.« Zbornik Jevrejskog istorijskog muzeja 1 (1971): 341-402. Lucio Lume, L'archivio storico di Dubrovnik con repertorio di documenti sulle relazioni della repubblica di Ragusa con le città marchigiane, Roma: Archivio di Stato, 1977. Notae et acta Cancellariae Ragusinae, II, Notae et acta notarii Tomasini de Sauere, 1282-1284, ed. Josip Lučić, Zagreb: JAZU, 1984. Notae et acta Cancellariae Ragusinae, IV, Notae et acta notarii Andreae Bennessae 1295-1301, ed. Josip Lučić, Zagreb: JAZU, 1993. Moisés Orfali, »Aspectos sociales y espirituales de los sefardíes de Ragusa a través de la documentación testamentaria (siglos XVI-XVII).« Sefarad 66/1 (2006): 143-181. Ignacij Voje, Poslovna uspešnost trgovcev v srednjeveškem Dubrovniku (summary), Ljubljana: Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete, 2003. Gordan Ravančić, "Oporuke, oporučitelji i primatelji oporučnih legata u Dubrovniku s kraja trinaestog i u prvoj polovici četrnaestog stoljeća" Povijesni prilozi 40 (2011): 97-120. Vesna Miović, Židovke u Dubrovačkoj Republici (summary: Jewish Women in the Dubrovnik Republic) Zagreb-Dubrovnik: HAZU Zavod za povijesne znanosti, 2013. Ivana Lazarević, »Nekretnine dubrovačke vlastele u oporukama od 1750. do 1815. godine u Dubrovniku.« (summary: Real Estate Owned by Dubrovnik's Nobility and Recorded in Testaments, 1750-1815) Povijesni prilozi 51 (2016): 197-222. Nenad Vekarić, The Nobility of Dubrovnik, Zagreb - Dubrovnik: Zavod za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku, 2020.
Področje opomb
Volumes that comprise documents dating from the first decade of the 17th centuries have alphabetical indexes according to the testator's personal name, indicating the number of the page on which the case begins.
Alternativen/-ni identifikator/-ji
Old reference code
Nesnovna gesla
Krajevna gesla
Imenska gesla
Gesla glede spola
Območje nadzorovanega opisa
Identifikator popisa
Identifikator ustanove
Uporabljena pravila in/ali dogovori
Stopnja podrobnosti
Datumi nastanka, popravljanja in izbrisa
- angleščina