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Lamenta Trstenicae (Lawsuits registered at the Chancellery of the captaincy in Trstenica)

There are no references to Jews in the series.
The series consists of various lawsuits registered at the Chancellery of the captaincy in Trstenica in the 30s of the 17th centuries and at the end of the 18th century.

Chancellery of the captaincy in Trstenica

Diversa Trstenicae (Various documents registered at the Chancellery of the captaincy in Trstenica)

There are no references to Jews in the series.
The series consists of various lawsuits registered at the Chancellery of the captaincy in Trstenica from the mid-17th century and in the 70s of the 18th centuries. The documents in the series are primarily lawsuits, written statements and testimonies, sales agreements, documents on sequestrations, as well as registrations of official letters, contracts and official documents issued by the authorities in Dubrovnik, etc.

Acta Gallica (French administration)

  • HR-DADU-76
  • Fonds
  • 1808-1814

The fonds is sorted by years and contains files and documents of the French authorities concerning finances, accounting, public health, maritime affairs, trade, military affairs, police matters, private and public construction work (especially road developments), management of food supplies, education, local administration, administration of state-owned property, taxes, courts, church matters and different aspects of cultural life.

The fonds is important for researching all aspects of the life of Ragusan Jews during the French administration between 1808 and 1814. At that time, the Jews of Dubrovnik were mostly involved in business affairs connected with trade and crafts. They participated in the purchase of food supplies for the area of Dubrovnik (mainly of cereals, salt, and oil (F XIX / 4, no. 3666). Archival data show that they were also active in monetary transactions (investing capital in ship construction and exporting raw materials such as wax, cotton, leather, and wool). Furthermore, thanks to the preserved archival material, it is possible to reconstruct the functioning of Jewish religious fraternities, synagogues, ghettos, and schools in the area. The fonds contains references to many Ragusan Jewish families such as Ambonetti, Ascoli, Costantini, Levi Mandolfo, Maestro, Pardo, Terni, Tolentino, Valenzin, Venturra predominate in the fonds.

French administration

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