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Copia litterarum diversarum; Copia lettere diverse (Copies of various state letters)

The series contains letters sent by the authorities of the Republic in the 18th century primarily to the Ottoman authorities in the neighbourhood of the Republic.

There are very few documents in which Jewish people are referenced to in the series. For example, the records show that in 1757 Ragusan authorities wrote to the governor of the Bosnian eyalet about a certain Jew by the name of Samuel who had to pay some customs duties to the authorities, and about another Dubrovnik Jew, Hai Tolentino, who was imprisoned by the authorities of the Republic because of his debts to Ottoman merchants (vol. 4, ff. 97, 122, 123).

Lamenta Insulae Mediae (Lawsuits registered at the Chancellery of the island of Lopud)

There are no references to Jewish people in the series.
The series contains lawsuits registered at the Chancellery of the island of Lopud in the 18th century, and one part of the documents relates to lawsuits made on the islands of Koločep and Šipan.

Arboratica et scarmi; Arboracci e scarmi (Maritime fees arboratica and scarmi)

There are no references to the Jewish people in this series.
The series covers the period from 1729 to 1797, and the volumes have three titles: Arboracci e scarmi alla Ponta, Arboracci e scarmi alle Pile and Arboracci e scarmi del Porto. Regardless of these titles, it is evident that these volumes do not contain any data on the payment of the fee arboratica, but rather the payments of scarmi fee (Italian: scarmo: thumb, a wedge on a boat to which a paddle is attached). This fee had to be paid by smaller domestic and foreign ships that docked in the city port and in the suburbs of Pile.

Litterae et relationes comitum et capitaneorum territorii; Lettere e relazioni di conti e capitani del territorio (Letters and reports of rectors and captains who served in the territory of the Republic)

There is no information about any Jews in the series.
The series contains letters and reports written to the Dubrovnik authorities by the local counts and captains from the territory of the Republic of Dubrovnik in the 18th century.

Litterae et relationes; Lettere e relazioni (Letters and reports)

The series contains the correspondence between the authorities of the Dubrovnik Republic and Ottoman dignitaries and administrative officials from the neighbourhood of the Dubrovnik Republic in the period from between the 40s and the 70s of the 18th century.

There are very few references to Jews in the series, and the references found provide some insight into the connections between Dubrovnik and Bosnian Jews. For example, several Jewish merchants are listed in the inventories of foreign merchants who transported different goods to Dubrovnik (vol. 1, no. 27, 28). Some Jewish people also appear in several letters that these merchants wrote. For example, a Bosnian Jew, Abram Pardo, wrote to his relatives in Dubrovnik and asked them for financial help because he had recently gotten married (vol. 2, no. 236). Joseph Danon from Travnik, on the other hand, wrote to Raphael Costantini and informed him of the important role of the Bosnian governor in the current Venetian-Dubrovnik conflict (vol. 1, no. 114).

Patenta, Concessiones navigationis et Renovationes concessionum; Patenti, Congedi, Proroghe dei Bastimenti (Permits for navigating beyond the Adriatic Sea)

Ragusan sea captains that sailed on the ships of the Republic had to have a document called patente for legal navigation. They also needed a special license (congedo) to navigate beyond the Adriatic Sea, which was usually issued for a period of three and a half years. The consent to extend that permit was called a proroga and was usually issued for a period of six months. In the first volume of this series the records show different prorogas which were issued on the basis of congedos in the period from 1744 to 1807. On the left page of the book, congedos are recorded, and on the right page, prorogas. The format is the following: Antonio Brateglich Capitano del Brighentino nominato S. Catterina ha avuto il primo Congedo per tre anni e sei mesi di rispetto da computarsi dal adi 10 Marzo 1799 (left page); Ad istanza di Reuben Vita Ambonetti adi 27 Giugno 1802 avuta la proroga in iscritto per sei mesi dallo spirare del contranotto primo congedo, cosiche li scorrono li quatro anni (right page; vol. 1, ff. 9v, 10). The second volume of this series contains documents patenti and congedi.

The first volume of this series is important for researching the role of Jews in maritime affairs of the Dubrovnik Republic. Requests for the extension of the permit to sail outside the Adriatic were requested by the co-owners of the ships, among whom there was a large number of Ragusan Jews from different families such as Ambonetti, Costantini, Levi Mandolfo, Maestro, Pardo, Terni, Tolentino.

Aptai di misericordia Breni (Promissory notes of charity registered at the Chancellery in the territory of Župa dubrovačka)

There are no references to Jewish people in the series.
The series contains various promissory notes of charity registered at the Chancellery in the territory of Župa dubrovačka between the middle of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century.

Litterae Officii navigationis; Lettere dell'Offizio della Navigazione (Official letters from the Maritime Office)

The series contains official letters from the mid-18th century to the early 19th century sent by the Maritime Office to consuls and representatives of the Dubrovnik Republic in Italian, Ottoman, African, Spanish, and Portuguese ports. Due to a new increase of maritime affairs in the Republic at that time, the Republic of Dubrovnik had established about 80 consular offices in these ports. The series also contains circular letters and instructions to Ragusan sea captains, to all consuls of the Republic, and specifically to all consuls in the Ottoman Empire and to all consuls in the countries in the Western Mediterranean parts of Europe.

The series contains a small number of letters sent to Jewish people by the officials of the Maritime Office. Among those people, in the second half of the 18th century, there are references to the administrators of the consulates of the Dubrovnik Republic in Algeria, Abram and Raphael Jacob Bussara, (e.g., vol. 8, f. 3). There is also another reference to Abram Aruch, who was responsible for Ragusan ships in Alexandria at the time when there was no Dubrovnik consul in the city (vol. 1, f. 110).

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