Copia litterarum diversarum; Copia lettere diverse (Copies of various state letters)
- HR-DADU-08-HR-DADU-08.2
- Series
- 1712-1763, 1780-1782
The series contains letters sent by the authorities of the Republic in the 18th century primarily to the Ottoman authorities in the neighbourhood of the Republic.
There are very few documents in which Jewish people are referenced to in the series. For example, the records show that in 1757 Ragusan authorities wrote to the governor of the Bosnian eyalet about a certain Jew by the name of Samuel who had to pay some customs duties to the authorities, and about another Dubrovnik Jew, Hai Tolentino, who was imprisoned by the authorities of the Republic because of his debts to Ottoman merchants (vol. 4, ff. 97, 122, 123).